Cyber Security – Bedrohungslage und Schutzmassnahmen (Sparkr Podcast #29)

Cyber Security ist eine der drängendsten Herausforderungen der Gegenwart. Die Schäden aus Cyber Kriminalität übersteigt die Schadenssummen aller Naturkatastrophen um…

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How Quantum Computing Can Shape Our Future (Sparkr Podcast #28)

Quantum computing has the potential to shape our future significantly – ranging from unparalleled efficiency gains in all sorts of…

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High-Performance Teams at NASA and Leadership Lessons from Thomas Zurbuchen (Sparkr Podcast #27)

Sparkr Podcast · High-Performance Teams at NASA and Leadership Lessons with Thomas Zurbuchen Would you like to know how to…

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Creating Breakthroughs – How to Transform, Grow & Innovate with Bestselling Author Adam Alter (Sparkr Podcast #26)

Sparkr Podcast · Creating Breakthroughs – How to Transform, Grow & Innovate with Bestselling Author Adam Alter Creating breakthroughs Adam…

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Building Google, Hiring Talent and the Innovation Culture that Made the Silicon Valley Tech Giant feat. Urs Hölzle (Sparkr Podcast #25)

Sparkr Podcast · #25 (EN): Urs Hölzle on Building Google, Hiring Talent and Innovation Culture Sometimes small decisions are life…

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Bitcoin und Blockchain: Prof. Fabian Schär über Innovation, Irrtümer und gesellschaftliche Relevanz (Sparkr Podcast #24)

Sparkr Podcast · #24 (GER): Bitcoin und Blockchain: Innovation, Irrtümer und Relevanz mit Prof. Fabian Schär Bitcoin Blockchain Fabian Schär…

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Wolfgang Beltracchi über Kunst, NFTs und einen 450 Millionen Dollar Fake (Sparkr Podcast #23)

Sparkr Podcast · #23 (GER): Wolfgang Beltracchi über Kunst, NFTs und einen 450 Millionen Dollar Fake Beltracchi NFT Kunst Vom…

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Sustainability – Insights from a fascinating researcher and social entrepreneur (Sparkr Podcast #17)

Sparkr Podcast · Sparkr Podcast #17 (EN): Sustainability – Insights from a researcher and social entrepreneur Sustainability coral reefs rrreefs…

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The Future of Work – the “Gig Economy”, Pizza and Open Innovation (Sparkr Podcast #14)

These days, millions of people experience a stark shift in how they work. The COVID-19 outbreak forces many people to…

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Becoming Digital and the Future of Journalism – a Conversation with The Washington Post CIO Shailesh Prakash (Sparkr Podcast #13)

The Washington Post is among the most renown journalistic institutions in the world. Nonetheless, like every other player in the…

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Künstliche Intelligenz & die Folgen für Mensch, Gesellschaft & Wirtschaft (Sparkr Podcast #12)

For years it’s been advocated that developments in artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data and more will fundamentally change our…

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Jean-Claude Biver über wahren Erfolg, echten Luxus und was wir von Hippies lernen können (Sparkr Podcast #11)

Jean-Claude Biver ist ein Phänomen. Kaum ein Unternehmer ist so charismatisch und energiegeladen wie er, der während vier Jahrzehnten die…

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The Transformer: WIRED Co-Founder And Lifelong Learner Ian Charles Stewart (Sparkr Podcast #9)

For this latest episode of the Sparkr Podcast I sat down with a transformer. Not the Michael Bay, rocket blasting,…

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How to Build a Creative Team (Sparkr Podcast #8)

Learning and perfecting how to build a creative team was a critical success factor for Horacio „Chacho“ Puebla. “Having ideas…

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The Power of Storytelling, Design Thinking and Serendipity (Sparkr Podcast #7)

In this entertaining and insightful episode of the Sparkr Podcast we ask the question „How does storytelling work?“ and talk…

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