Sparkr is proud to contribute to the success of numerous future-oriented projects.
Sparkr stands for élan, for uncomplicated, open and constructive cooperation and reliability. With this entrepreneurial mindset, Sparkr enters and maneuvers uncharted territory for his clients. Whenever clients want to broaden their horizons and explore new paths towards the future, Sparkr helps its clients set and achieve goals - without ever losing the joy of exploring the 'terra incognita'.
Sparkr is pleased to work with, among others, the following organizations to advance their projects and to gain valuable insights with them.

Swiss FinTech Awards
The purpose of the Swiss FinTech Awards is to promote regional development while helping create the strongest possible Swiss fintech ecosystem underpinned by unprecedented international network links. The Awards specifically recognise outstanding Swiss based fintech startups and influencers. The winners are chosen by a renowned jury consisting of a network of partner organisations and fintech experts.
Sparkr established and manages the ecosystem of the Swiss FinTech Awards together with the «Finanz und Wirtschaft Forum» and Accenture.
Learn more on and follow the Swiss FinTech Awards on Twitter.
(Photo Credits: Finanz und Wirtschaft Forum, Markus Forte)

Study, Workshop and Evaluation Report
Urban Planning and Digital Transformation
Sparkr was commissioned by the Urban Planning Office of Berne to write a working paper and develop scenarios on how the digital transformation might change urban planning.
The working paper served as an impulse for a workshop with selected decision-makers from the City of Bern. The findings from the workshop were recorded in a Sparkr results and evaluation report and made available to the management as a basis for decision-making.
Here you can read an excerpt from the working paper in German.

Coaching and Sparring Sessions
Start-up Coaching for Regional Economic Development of Berne
Sparkr supports the Bernese regional economic development agency be-advanced and its start-up programs as a coach and sparring partner for founders.
It's a great pleasure to spark ideas and strategies with entrepreneurs as a sparring partner by having constructive, critical and trustful conversations.
Innovative Public-Private-Partnership for the Future of Education
Computational Thinking Initiative
On behalf of digitalswitzerland, Spark has launched the Computational Thinking Initiative together with digitalswitzerland, EPFL, SUPSI, other educational colleges and Swisscom.
With the project management of Sparkr, various stakeholders from the Swiss education and research landscape as well as the business community have joined forces to promote computational thinking in Swiss schools. Computational thinking can be developed very well with the illustrated robot "Thymio" and contains much more than just programming.
As a result, important future skills are promoted among pupils, new learning methods are applied in the classroom and Switzerland as a location for innovation and business is strengthened.
Find out more about this long-term education project in the media release.
Co-Head of Leadership Program for PH Bern
School Directors Interact with Digital Transformation and Innovation Methods
In partnership with educational college PH Bern Sparkr has developed a leadership course for school directors and other professionals from the education sector.
In this course participants interact with concepts and companies that shape the digital transformation and learn to apply innovation methods such as "Design Thinking". Exciting impulses are transferred from business into the education context on which participants can reflect.
Chatbot «Roboterre» for terre des hommes schweiz
Together with the NGO terre des hommes schweiz and fundraising company Corris AG, Sparkr developed the chatbot Roboterre. Roboterre aims at serving the German speaking part of the NGO's potential donors 24/7 in Facebook Messenger.
In its first version, Roboterre is able to tell stories about terre des hommes schweiz projects around the world, collect donations and answer FAQ. With the chatbot Roboterre, terre des hommes schweiz reaches a whole new audience in a contemporary medium.
Sparkr served terre des hommes schweiz and Corris AG as an agile, on-demand project lead, knowledge and implementing partner.
«Tages-Anzeiger Forum» &
«Finanz und Wirtschaft Forum»
Switzerland's largest news cooperation Tamedia conducts business conferences specialized on digital transformation, the future of the workplace and investing.
The «Tages-Anzeiger Forum» (2013 - 2016) and «Finanz und Wirtschaft Forum» (2013 -) gather high level decision makers and international visionaries from business, politics, research and society.
Sparkr contributed to the build up of Tamedia's conference business and is now responsible for the conception as well as content and speakers selection for conferences about the future of finance, health, mobility, the internet of things and the future of the workplace regarding technological and value shifts. These conferences touch on future technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain, IoT, mobile and their impact on business and society.