Why Ecosystems Matter

The future is built on strong, vivid and dynamic ecosystems that bring together expertise and perspectives from various fields. Well curated ecosystems are resilient and boost innovation.

In this episode of the Sparkr Podcast you can learn more about the importance and benefits of ecosystems.

Sparkr's Contribution

  • Stakeholder-analysis
  • Project leadership and curation of ecosystems

Sparkr connects start-ups, corporates, academia and thought leaders to create value for all.

Sparkr applies its interdisciplinary, cross industry network to establish and manage ecosystems that serve your strategic goals.


Sparkr established and manages the ecosystem of the Swiss FinTech Awards - one of Switzerland's most powerful network of finance and fintech experts that awards the most innovative fintech startups and influencers of Switzerland. Key to success is the shared mission of strengthening the Swiss innovation ecosystem as well as smooth and constant collaboration among the awards' founding partners «Finanz und Wirtschaft Forum»Accenture and Sparkr.

Check out more references here.

Let's Spark You Up

Sparkr is eager to learn about your vision and building your ecosystem. Let's connect the dots.